this is great! It sounds too good and, for some reason it gives me nostalgic vibes.
this is great! It sounds too good and, for some reason it gives me nostalgic vibes.
Oh yes! there's a lot of inspirations going on in one place at the same time! Thank you :))
I really loved the remix!
Thank you a lot, I'm glad you loved this! <3
I liked the drums, this is great, keep making good music :D
Thx chief !!!
Dude, this is great! I love the chord progression of the drop. I would remix it but I have no idea if the song has a title, and if so, could you give me the stems? thanks :D
thank you, i actually appreciate that. could you wait like a week or something? also, hot garbage melodic dubstep is the name
I think it can be improved a lot in the sound section but after all I loved it, it sounds great :D
edit: meh, I see that your answer made me see why you haven't made it yet.
Lol "improved in the sound section" using a free web-based DAW has that effect lol I'm doing my best here
this sounds great! I'd say it's one of the most original songs i've heard so far :D
Thanks :)
Justo andaba esperando una cosa aqui en newgrounds y vi tu track, esta genial. no me suelen gustar las canciones en mayor pero esta bueno esto. Sigue asi :D
Muchas gracias, me alegra mucho que te haya gustado este remix. <3
GOD!!! this is too epic. I would like to make a remix, could you pass me the stems?
Ofc my dude! Just finished stemming the song actually! Send me a message here on NG or message me on discord Zoftle#4610
Hello there
It was a pleasure working with you, I have to admit that the creation of the collab was a bit messy but I really liked the result. I would have liked to do my part better
The pleasure is all yours, and thank you very much, I admit that it was very entertaining to have done this collaboration together, hopefully it will happen again! :)